DIGNITY: Tribes in Transition has been touring European and U.S. museums since 2011. The 60 black and white portraits of Indigenous Peoples pay homage to these imperiled cultures signaling our collective interdependence and fragility. The exhibition provides urgency and a contemporary focus to the worldwide movement against racial injustice in which DIGNITY continues to play an important part.
Nobel Laureate Archbishop Tutu, in the exhibition wall text states, “The Indigenous Peoples of the world have a gift to give that the world needs desperately, this reminder that we are made for harmony, for interdependence. If we are ever truly to prosper, it will be only together.”
The DIGNITY exhibition began its U.S. tour at Boston University Art Gallery in January 2015 following three years of a European tour. Thematically the exhibition allows for diverse cultural events, speakers, and class field trips. U.S. exhibition bookings are now being confirmed through 2020.
Robert S. Sobieszek, the late renowned Curator of Photography at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, describes Gluckstein’s work, “The portraits taken by Dana Gluckstein evidence a clear attempt to reinvest portraiture with that something that was lost some time ago. And that something is nothing less than the desire, or the requirement, to express the character and moral quality of the sitter in such a way that far more than likeness is suggested if not exactly revealed… Gluckstein bestows upon her sitters a sense of stilled dignity…The dispassionate remove common to most modern portraits is all but absent in these images; in its stead is a passionate complicity between artist and sitter that allows each subject to be memorialized with both beauty and grace.”
Press has included Boston Globe, CNN, ELLE, Huffington Post, L'EPRESSO REPUBLICA Italy, L'ILLUSTRÉ, MORE, The New York Times Book Review, SÜEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, VANITY FAIR, VOGUE Italy, 24HEURES, to name a few.(International Press)
Schumacher Gallery
Capital University, Ohio
January 2023 – March 2023
DIGNITY: Tribes in Transition
University of Nebraska
State Museum
Lincoln, Nebraska
June 11, 2022 – August 7, 2022
DIGNITY: Tribes in Transition
Steinberg Museum of Art
Long Island University, New York
October 18, 2018 – March 8, 2019
BYU Museum of Art
Brigham Young University, Utah
May 18 –September 29, 2018
Lowe Art Museum
University of Miami, FL
January 25 - April 22, 2018
Museum of Natural & Cultural History
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
October 6 – December 17, 2017
Baldwin Photographic Gallery
Middle Tennessee State University, TN
February 1, 2017 – April 6, 2017
Dunedin Fine Art Center
Dunedin, Florida
July 1 - September 25, 2016
Appleton Museum of Art
College of Central Florida
April 23 – June 19, 2016
Brown University
Rhode Island
September 10– December 15, 2015
Bolinas Museum, California
April 11 – June 14, 2015
Boston University Art Gallery, Maine
January 29, 2015 – March 29, 2015
KuK - Kunst- und Kulturzentrum, Germany
September 7 – November 3, 2013
DIGNITY: Tribes in Transition
Ferrari Art Gallery, Switzerland
August 30 – September 16, 2012
Museum Bad Arolsen, Germany
April 27 – July 8, 2012
Palais des Nations, United Nations, Switzerland
July 11 – August 31, 2011
Willy-Brandt-Haus Museum, Berlin, Germany
February 3 – March 25, 2011
World Economic Forum
Davos Switzerland
Faculty Speaker on Arts and Culture Panels
"How Art can Impact the State of the World"
United Nations, Palais des Nations, Switzerland
July 11 – August 31, 2011
DIGNITY: Tribes in Transition
The Annenberg Space for Photography
December 5, 2012
Iris Night Lecture: No Strangers
Santa Barbara Museum of Art
Thursday, July 5th, 2012, 5 – 8pm
Book Signing and Artist Talk: DIGNITY
San Diego Women’s Week Conference
Friday, March 30, 2012:
DIGNITY, A Woman’s Journey
Urban Zen, New York City
October 20, 2010
DIGNITY, selection of work
DIGNITY Book launch & documentary film release
CAA - Creative Artist Agency
November 2010
Book Launch and Documentary Film release
Entertainment Gathering (EG) Conference
February 2008
Los Angeles Center for Photography
Portraiture for Social Change
January 2019
Los Angeles Center for Photography
Portraiture for Social Change
Julia Dean Photo Workshops
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Portraiture for Social Change
Stanford University
May 10, 2012
Portraiture for Social Change
Julia Dean Photo Workshops
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Portraiture for Social Change